SharePoint Intranet

SharePoint Intranet

In today's work environment, where remote work and multiple office locations are becoming more common, the ability to communicate seamlessly across the organization is essential. At Shazalee, we understand this need and have developed Fresh, a modern intranet platform designed to help organizations communicate and collaborate more effectively. Fresh provides a range of features to support efficient communication and collaboration within your organization. These include tools for sharing news and updates, managing documents and files, and coordinating team activities. The platform is also highly customizable, allowing you to tailor it to your specific needs and branding.

SharePoint Intranet


Communicate effectively.

With Fresh, you can move beyond traditional email communication and empower your employees to discover new ways to collaborate and communicate effectively. By leveraging the power of the cloud, Fresh provides a modern intranet platform that integrates seamlessly with Microsoft 365 tools such as SharePoint Online, Microsoft Teams, Yammer, and Stream.


An intranet you’ll all want to use.

Fresh allows you to engage your users by delivering targeted news, events, links, and documents that are relevant to them. You can create and participate in conversations and collaborate seamlessly, with quick access to Microsoft Teams and other applications. Fresh also enables you to personalize content by role type, location, and department, using intelligent data.


Flexible, secure and made for mobile.

Fresh is designed to provide easy access across devices and browsers while maintaining the robust security and user experience of Microsoft 365. Its flexible architecture allows for seamless integration with your critical applications, enabling you to extend its capabilities as needed.

Fresh makes the most of Microsoft 365.

Fresh is designed to simplify the user experience by leveraging the tools and apps available in Microsoft 365. With Fresh, you can create a highly engaged user community and provide a productive and collaborative workspace. The platform encourages users to adopt and use the features, resulting in improved collaboration and productivity across your organization.

Fresh is more than an out-of-the-box intranet platform.

Fresh is a powerful tool that allows organizations to create a digital workspace that seamlessly integrates with Microsoft 365 and other company applications and services. By offering permissions-based access, Fresh ensures that users have the appropriate level of access to resources to perform their tasks effectively.

Fresh offers flexible news and content publishing capabilities that enable organizations to target specific groups and channels with relevant information. Additionally, Fresh’s knowledge builder provides a simple yet highly capable platform that can help teams quickly capture and share information.

Overall, Fresh is an excellent solution for organizations that want to optimize their digital workspace and provide a single unified access point for their users.

Fresh makes the most of Microsoft 365.

Deploy an intranet or Digital Workspace.

Fresh is a versatile and scalable solution that can be customized to meet the specific requirements and timelines of an organization. The Fresh team will collaborate with the organization to ensure that their intranet is configured exactly as they want it and on brand, and that it is operational within a matter of weeks.

Built in Microsoft 365 and SharePoint.

Fresh is a platform that is purpose-built for Microsoft 365, which was formerly known as Office 365, and it is fully compatible with modern SharePoint. Since Fresh doesn’t require third-party code, it offers a secure, streamlined approach to publishing content and reaching the appropriate internal audiences. This straightforwardness and efficiency make Fresh a highly effective platform that enables secure and straightforward access for the right users.

Target your communications.

Fresh empowers organizations to effectively engage their teams and promote collaboration by utilizing modern Microsoft 365 tools and communication features. Through targeted content, news, and campaigns, Fresh can increase engagement between teams and foster more effective communication. With the added benefit of easy access to these features, Fresh provides a comprehensive solution that enhances an organization’s productivity and communication capabilities.

Dedicated account manager.

With Fresh, organizations have access to a dedicated content and adoption support representative who can assist with collaboration and communication efforts. Furthermore, Fresh offers regular updates, releases, and features to ensure the platform remains current and relevant. This commitment to innovation and reliability helps ensure that Fresh provides organizations with the necessary tools to succeed.

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Whether you’re at the early stages of your cloud migration, looking to switch platforms or optimise services, we can help.

To speak to a cloud consultant, tell us a little about you and your requirements, and we’ll get back to you with a time that suits.

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